Mayday Call
The distress procedure word MAYDAY indicates that a vessel or a person is in grave and immediate danger and that immediate assistance is required. All Mayday voice calls are sent on Channel 16 on high power.
In our VHF Blog section we are adding the pre course reading needed before attending a VHF course.
The distress procedure word MAYDAY indicates that a vessel or a person is in grave and immediate danger and that immediate assistance is required. All Mayday voice calls are sent on Channel 16 on high power.
It is the second most important call after the Mayday call. The most common times Pan-Pan calls are made on a boat, are engine or rudder failure.
The International Radiotelephony Spelling Alphabet. This is also known as The Nato phonetic alphabet and was developed in the 1950's to give a standardised international alphabet naming system to avoid any confusion.
Mo - Fr 9.30 - 16.30
Sa 10.00 - 14.00
Mobile 0034 628 478 400
Edifico Antiguo Varadero
Bloque D No 15 - 2nd Planta
35571 Puerto Calero Marina
Lanzarote - Canary Islands
Phone 0034 928 849 670
Mobile 0034 628 478 400