RYA Essential Navigation and Seamanship
The RYA Essential Navigation and Seamanship course provides an introduction to the basic skills required before taking a small boat to sea or taking an active part in running a boat. This course is ideal for those operating smaller craft close to shore.
But also for those currently crewing but want to increase their skills and become more useful. It also serves as a great foundation for the RYA Day Skipper Theory Course.
Course Overview
A basic introduction to navigation and seamanship for users of small craft sailing on inshore waters close to land. Ideal for users of RIB's, small day boats, anglers and divers or yacht crews wanting to know more.
The course aims to introduce the basic concepts of inshore navigation and safety in an easy to understand and enjoyable format. This course is ideal for those operating smaller craft close to shore or are currently crewing but want to increase their skills and become more useful. It also serves as a great foundation for the RYA Day Skipper Theory Course.
During the course you will be introduced to the basics of navigation including tidal awareness, charts, almanacs and the use of electronic navigation aids such as GPS. You will be taught about harbour entry and departure pilotage including knowledge of buoyage and a basic understanding of the Collision Regulations so you know who has right of way! Time will also be spent looking at sources of weather information and what impact this could have on your passage. Towards the end of the course you will put all this information together to plan an actual passage. You will also learn more about what safety equipment you should carry and how it is used.
This course is scheduled for the Thursday and Friday as it is best followed by the RYA Competent Crew course, where you can put into practice all the skills and knowledge you have learnt during these two days.
Book NowSyllabus
- 2 days
- Thursday & Friday 0930 - 1700 (alternative days available upon request)
- Please confirm availability with Stephanie on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Previous Exerience Required
- None
- 330€
Prices can also be charged in Sterling. If you wish to pay in Sterling please contact me on stephanie@endeavour-sailing.co.uk
- All course materials including RYA Essential Navigation & Safety course notes book BSN07
- Morning and afternoon tea & lunch.
- Pen, Pencil & note paper
Not included
- Accommodation and evening meals
Bookings & Info
Book NowFor more information please contact Stephanie: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Although we cover everything in the 2 days you may wish to do some precourse reading and we can recommend the following book:
Buy RYA An Introduction to Navigation at the RYA Shop |